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发布时间:2022-08-30 09:57:13

Ⅰ 限电英语怎么说

限电英语ration electricity。


n. 配给量,定量;(尤指发给作战士兵的)口粮配给,口粮定量;合理(正常)的量;粮食供应,食物储备;应得之量

v. 对(供应品)定量供应,实行配给;对(某人)实行定量供给,配给


Total mixed ration全混合日粮 ; 即全混合日粮 ; 全混日粮

aspect ration幅型比 ; 宽高比 ; 宽度比 ; 形貌比

Ration detect定量检测







rationing[计划] 定量配给





Ⅱ 限产限电英文怎么说

翻译成英文是:Limiting proction and limiting electricity.
electricity:电力; 电流,静电; 高涨的情绪; 紧张

Ⅲ 英语翻译:由于奥运会将在本月举行,政府开始限制工厂用电用水,造成工厂无法正常生产。

because the OLYMPICKS will be held this month,the govenment begins to limit the factories' using of electricity and water,and the factories cannot run as normal

Ⅳ 电力的英文翻译是什么

electricity是电流, 电, 电学之意
而electric power是指电力, 电功率。
所以,根据你的翻译要求,答案为electric power为妥。

Ⅳ 请教,"限制用电" 用英语怎么说

请教,"限制用电" 用英语怎么说
Restrictions on using electricity.
Restrict the usage of electricity.

Ⅵ 请问 拉闸限电、电荒、电力紧张 用英语怎么说啊

拉闸限电:to cut off the power in order to rece the pressure caused by the tight power supply.
电荒:lack of power 或者 energy crisis
电力紧张:the power supply is tight

Ⅶ 关于电的英语作文 带翻译、、急需、

Now a lot of places in a "electric shortage ."Nanjing is not exceptional also, power, energy saving is the imminent matter, but in the end the limit who Electric is a difficult problem to solve.

According to the survey, Nanjing residents electricity accounts for only 16% to 17%, and the electricity instry has accounted for more than 75%.Moreover, instrial electricity waste a lot.Lai food factory in July last year, electricity 5.4 Wan Yuan September 14, charge of electricity.2 Wan Yuan.The factory every day in the lights at 10 hours, install energy-saving lamps, can every section 1500 degrees, a year can node of approximately 540000 degrees for 800 residents in 4 more hours of electricity, the general plant for a year spent electricity 700 around Wan Yuan.5000 kilowatts per hour of refrigeration equipment to expend 400 yuan charge of electricity, a day starting 15 hours a day to pay 6000 yuan.If the instrial electricity savings of 10%, so a year can node 5000000000 kwh, who can bear to see these data should be restricted to residents of electricity?

In the factory, in addition to some electric charges of large equipment, in order to cool and to provide a convenient, air-conditioning, lights, television and other appliances is also essential, some of the workers think this is "public" for his not money, never think it is waste, so many factories, office it no one, central air conditioning, television was still open, so that much of the current waste, rather than these electrical waste than they save.But these people why the habit?That is because the state of the electricity instry not the limit!If the state restrictions on instrial electricity, they can not drill this advantage.

Besides, the residents can use the number electricity?In addition to daily life use electricity, do they still have large equipment to use?Residents in order to save money without other people say that they will take the initiative to save, how would be gratuitous waste electrical and increase their economic burden?They did not waste the electricity act, if the limit of their power, they are not even normal life cannot be ensured?

Although some might say that instry is national economy to develop an indispensable component, but instrial development also depend on these people!If the limit of the residents, residents can not in a normal state, poor spirit, full of grievances, the workers did not work enthusiasm, how, how to improve the plant proction efficiency?The state also how economic development?People often say that" live and work in peace ", only residents life, can talk about the instrial development, isn't it?

So, if want to be not limited to residents, residents of electricity, daily electricity consumption for the factory is not worth mentioning.Visible power shortage is not the main reason, even if there are more electricity, if not properly used, just waste, so " electric shortage" will never solve it.If you can limit electricity instry get rid of the waste of national resources of bad habit, what is there against it?

So, I think that by limiting the electricity instry get rid of the waste electrical habits is really solve " electric shortage " effective method.








Ⅷ “拉闸限电”用英语怎么说

pull the switch for power rationing

Ⅸ 节约用电用英语怎么说

节约用电的英文:electrical energy saving

energy 读法 英['enədʒɪ]美['ɛnɚdʒi]

n. [物] 能量;精力;活力;精神


1、potential energy势能

2、energy dissipation能量耗散

3、energy source安瑞索思(公司名称)

4、energy storage蓄能;能量储存;储能器

5、kinetic energy[物]动能



power 读法 英['paʊə]美['paʊɚ]

1、n. 力量,能力;电力,功率,性能;政权,势力;[数] 幂

2、vt. 激励;供以动力;使…有力量

3、vi. 快速前进

4、adj. 借影响有权势人物以操纵权力的


1、high power大功率;高倍

2、nuclear power核能;核动力

3、power generation发电,发电量;发电机设备

4、power instry电力工业

5、low power低功率,小功率


might, strength, power, force, energy这组词都有“力”的意思,其区别是:








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