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发布时间:2022-07-23 17:21:16

❶ 悬赏翻译

The use of fuel ethanol will not only save energy, rece pollution, but also for the development of agriculture, driven many other related instries is also significant. Currently, the world proction of fuel ethanol is most sugar cane, corn, Potato plants and straw as raw materials to create the saccharification and fermentation. In the instrial ethanol proction process, As the fermentation process raw materials of carbon dioxide and water vapor can not be directly discharged into the air, carbon dioxide as a subsidiary proct recovery needs, and needs condensing steam after recycling and reuse, fermentation process of ethanol concentration of less need to enter stripper tower to isolate high concentration of ethanol. Distillation then separated into higher concentration of instrial ethanol, ethanol concentrations of up to 99%. The combination of domestic and foreign design heat exchanger and the stripper tower's advanced technology and improved methods of instrial ethanol proction process and provide condenser Distillation tower design, the condenser design includes technology, the strength and structure of the type. Stripper tower design will include structural design, fluid mechanics checked the tray, tray-load performance plans, equipment load calculation. Keywords : instrial ethanol; Condenser; Stripper tower

❷ 乙醇(A.R.)是什么意思



有四种常用规格:优级纯或一级品(GR,精密分析和科学研究  alfa工作);分析纯或二级品(AR,重要分析和一般研究工作);化学纯或三级品(CP,工矿及学校一般化学实验);实验试剂(L.P.)。

分析纯(AR,红标签): 主成分含量很高、纯度较高,干扰杂质很低,适用于工业分析及化学实验。

❸ 什么是工业级乙醇


乙醇液体密度是0.789g/cm3(20C°) ,乙醇气体密度为1.59kg/m^3,沸点是78.3℃,熔点是-114.1℃,易燃,其蒸气能与空气形成爆炸性混合物,能与水以任意比互溶。能与氯仿、乙醚、甲醇、丙酮和其他多数有机溶剂混溶,相对密度(d15.56)0.816。

❹ 工业用酒精英文怎么写



instrial alcohol






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