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發布時間:2022-02-21 19:16:36

A. 第一次工業革命 英語怎麼說

The first instrial revolution

B. 用英語簡單介紹 英國工業革命。寫成150-200詞的短文。萬分感謝!

The Instrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840. This transition included going from hand proction methods to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron proction processes, improved efficiency of water power, the increasing use of steam power, and the development of machine tools. It also included the change from wood and other bio-fuels to coal. Textiles were the dominant instry of the Instrial Revolution in terms of employment, value of output and capital invested; the textile instry was also the first to use modern proction methods.

C. 用中國現在擁有世界上發展最快的經濟,並經歷著一次新的工業革命英語怎麼說

With China now has the world's fastest growing economy, and has experienced a new instrial revolution

D. 第四次工業革命來襲,「第四次工業革命」英語怎麼說

the fourth instrial revolution
Then, Internet is thought to be the 4-th instry evolutionary of history of mankind.

E. 第一次工業革命為什麼發源英國英文的英文的

發源於英國而後波及歐美主要國家的第一次工業革命,具有劃時代的歷史意義,對人類社會的演進產生了空前深刻、巨大的影響。它為新生的資本主義制度奠定了堅實的物質基礎,促使歐美諸國先後實現工業化,由農業國變成工業國。它為英國提供了歷史機遇,利用工業化先發優勢,確立了「世界工廠」的地位。工業革命給人類帶來了進步和幸福,同時也使人類面臨新的矛盾和挑戰。 資本主義在它不到100年的時間里創造的生產力遠遠超過了以前幾個世紀的總和。

F. 第一次工業革命內容 用英文來描述,謝了

The instrial revolution first appeared in the workshop handicraft instry emerging cotton textile instry. In 1733, the mechanic Kay invented the flying shuttle, greatly improving the weaving speed, cotton was in short supply. In 1765, the weaver Hargreaves invented the" spinning Jeanne", greatly increased proction of cotton yarn. " Jeanne spinning machine " appeared firstly in the cotton textile instry in the machine of the invention, innovation of chain reaction, opened in the instrial revolution. Thereafter, in the cotton textile instry has emerged in the mule machine, water conservancy machine weaving machine. Soon, in the mining, metallurgical and many other instrial sectors, also have the machine proction. With the increase of machine proction, original power such as animal, hydro and wind have been unable to meet the needs of. Bermingham in the UK, 1785, Watt made improved steam engine put into use, and provide more convenient power, get be popularized quickly, greatly promoted the spread and development of machine. The human society enters" the age of steam". The first instrial revolutionAlong with the instrial proction of machine proction graally replaced manual operation, a new proction organization form -- bourgeois factory was born. Around 1840, the British big machines has been largely replaced by factories and handicraft proction, the instrial revolution completed. The British became the world 's first instrial nation.

G. 工業革命用英語怎麼翻譯求解

.工業革命 [gōng yè gé mìng]
the instrial revolution

H. 談論一下英國的工業革命(英文版)



Instrial Revolution

Process of change from an agrarian, handicraft economy to one dominated by instry and machine manufacture.

It began in England in the 18th century. Technological changes included the use of iron and steel, new energy sources, invention of new machines that increased proction (including the spinning jenny), development of the factory system, and important developments in transportation and communication (including the steam engine and telegraph). Other changes included agricultural improvements, a wider distribution of wealth, political changes reflecting the shift in economic power, and sweeping social changes. The Instrial Revolution was largely confined to Britain from 1760 to 1830, then spread to Belgium and France. Other nations lagged behind, but once Germany, the U.S., and Japan achieved instrial power they outstripped Britain's initial successes. Eastern European countries lagged into the 20th century, and not until the mid-20th century did the Instrial Revolution spread to such countries as China and India. Many analysts saw evidence of a second, or new, instrial revolution in the later 20th century, with the use of new materials and energy sources, automated factories, new ownership of the means of proction, and a shift away from laissez-faire government.

I. 為什麼第一次工業革命發生在英國(英文版)


J. 第一次工業革命的標志英文版

steam engine



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