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1. 汽車英語翻譯

混合機動機車 混合動力汽車就是在純電動汽車上加裝一套內燃機,其目的是減少汽車的污染,提高純電動汽車的行駛里程。混合動力汽車有串聯式和並聯式兩種結構形式。�復合動力汽車(亦稱混合動力汽車)是指車上裝有兩個以上動力源,包括有電機驅動,符合汽車道路交通、安全法規的汽車,車載動力源有多種:蓄電池、燃料電池、太陽能電池、內燃機車的發電機組,當前復合動力汽車一般是指內燃機車發電機,再加上蓄電池的汽車。復合動力汽車的優點是:1、採用復合動力後可按平均需用的功率來確定內燃機的最大功率,此時處於油耗低、污染少的最優工況下工作。需要大功率內燃機功率不足時,由電池來補充;負荷少時,富餘的功率可發電給電池充電,由於內燃機可持續工作,電池又可以不斷得到充電,故其行程和普通汽車一樣。2、因為有了電池,可以十分方便地回收制動時、下坡時、怠速時的能量。3、在繁華市區,可關停內燃機,由電池單獨驅動,實現"零"排放。4、有了內燃機可以十分方便地解決耗能大的空調、取暖、除霜等純電動汽車遇到的難題。5、可以利用現有的加油站加油,不必再投資。6、可讓電池保持在良好的工作狀態,不發生過充、過放,延長其使用壽命,降低成本。復合動力電動汽車有兩種基本的工作方式,即串聯式、並聯式和串並聯(或稱混聯)式。復合動力驅動汽車的缺點是:有兩套動力,再加上兩套動力的管理控制系統,結構復雜,技術較難,價格較高。由於"新一代汽車夥伴合作"( P NGV)計劃的推動美國三大汽車公司對各種單元技術及其不同組織進行成百種方案的篩選、比較,認為採用復合動力是實現中級轎車百公里3升油耗的可行方案因此而受到更大的關注。經過多年研究,混合動力電動汽車已開發出一些成功的例子。日本豐田汽車公司1997年12月宣布將復合動力電動轎車 P rius投入小批量商業化生產,該車自重1515kg,裝用頂置凸輪軸四缸,1500cc排量汽油機,最大功率42.6kW/4600r/min,帶永磁無刷發電機,驅動電機亦為永磁無刷的額定功率30kW,採用氫鎳電池,實現串並聯控制方式,百公里油耗為3.4L,比原汽油車減少了一半, C O2排量也相應減少了一半, C O、 HC、NOX僅為現行法規允許值的10%,售價每輛216萬日元(約15000美元)。美國克萊斯勒汽車公司1998年2月在底特律展出第二代道奇無畏 E SX2型復合動力電動轎車,該車裝用1500cc排量直噴柴油機帶發電機,採用鉛酸電池,交流感應電機驅動,鋁車架,復合材料車身,自重1022kg,百公里油耗降至3.4L。2000年通用,福特,戴姆勒·克萊斯勒已開發出100公里油耗已達到3升汽油或接近3升汽車的樣車,只是價格仍較貴。 Hybrid motor scooter Hybrid cars in pure electric cars is adding a set of internal combustion engine, its purpose is to rece automobile pollution, raise pure electric car trip mileage. Hybrid cars have tandem and parallel structure macheine. � composite electric vehicle (also called hybrid cars equipped with) refers to two or more power source, including motor drive, accord with auto road traffic, safety regulations car, the car carries a variety of: battery power, fuel cell and solar battery, internal combustion engines generator sets, the current composite electric vehicle generally is to point to internal-combustion engine car generator, plus battery cars. Composite electric vehicle advantage is: 1, adopting complex power according to need after an average of internal-combustion engine power to determine the most high power, right now in oil consumption is low, the optimal less contamination under the conditions of work. Need high-power internal combustion engine power shortage, by the battery to supplement; Load for a little while and surplus power can power battery, e to internal combustion engine, battery and sustainable work constantly charging, so can the same trip and ordinary cars. 2, because there is a battery, can be very convenient recycling braking, hill, the energy when the idle. 3, in the noisy city, by the battery can be shutdown internal combustion engines, and achieve "zero driver alone" emissions. 4, with internal combustion engines can be very convenient solve energy consumption of the air conditioning, heating, pure electric vehicles such as defrosting met problem. 5, can use existing gas station refueling, don't have to invest. Six, can let the battery to keep in good working condition, not occur overcharge, put, prolong the service life and rece the cost. Composite power electric cars have two basic way of working, namely tandem, parallel, and series-parallel (or says mix couplet) type. Composite driving car defect is: there are two sets of power, plus two sets of dynamic management control system, the structure is complex, technology is more difficult, the price is higher. Because of "a new generation of automobile partners" (P NGV) plan to push America's big three auto companies of unit technology and its different tissue for hundreds different schemes screening, comparison, it is considered that the composite power is to realize mid-size cars hundred kilometers 3 liters of fuel feasible scheme accordingly by the greater attention. After years of research, hybrid electric cars have developed some successful examples. Toyota motor corp. Announced December 1997 composite power electric car P rius into small batch commercialized proction, the car with 1515kg, pack weight camshaft four cylinder, 1500cc displacement gasoline engine, the maximum power 4600r/min per kW/brushless generator, belt, is also driven motor power rating of brushless 30kW, use nickel-metal hydride batteries, realize series-parallel control mode, 100 kilometers fuel consumption to 3.4 L, original gasoline vehicles than reced half, C O2 displacement also reced half, C O, HC, NOX is only 10% of the value of the current law, price per car 216 million yen (about $15,000). American Chrysler February 1998 on display in Detroit SX2 second-generation dodge intrepid E of composite electric car, the car pack power 1500cc displacement direct injection diesel engine with with generators, adopt lead-acid batteries, ac inction motor drive, aluminum frame, composite material body, self-respect 1022kg, 100 kilometers fuel consumption fell to 3.4 L. In 2000, general, ford, Daimler Chrysler has already developed 100 kilometers fuel consumption has reached 3 litres of petrol or close to 3 liters cars, just the price prototype more expensive still. 謝謝採納、

2. 汽車用英文怎麼說啊

汽車英文是car; automobile; auto; motor vehicle; autocar。












我國國家最新標准《汽車和掛車類型的術語和定義》(GB/T 3730.1—2001)中對汽車有如下定義:由動力驅動,具有4個或4個以上車輪的非軌道承載的車輛,主要用於:載運人員和(或)貨物;牽引載運人員和(或)貨物的車輛;特殊用途。




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