導航:首頁 > 寶馬汽車 > 你覺得寶馬怎麼樣英文


發布時間:2023-06-06 15:28:06

1. 寶馬的英文是什麼

Bayerische Motoren Werke

2. 用英語介紹寶馬的優點

The advantage of driving a BMW is feeling, can let you experience a superb driving BMW excellent handling, bring you strength great fun to drive at the same time, also improve the active safety. Select the BMW is also a symbol of status and taste. Is a symbol of successful people. Humanized design, bring you is the core of the BMW concept: fun! One of the most famous is in-line six. Using the engine n54n55 now. Power stronger than (mercedes-benz) at the same level.
BMW and other car the biggest difference is the shape of the engine, BMW's most series are cylinder in, is a four cylinder or six cylinder is straight line, car technology is generally not the realization of the front of the car and the rear 50:50 weight ratio, enhance vehicle stability, but also help car speed increases, the cost of this technique is quite high. Most of the other car is W, can lead to bigger contrast before and after the car. This is a feature of BMW's largest.


3. 寶馬車 英文怎樣講/

德國寶馬公司的全稱是"Bayerische Motor en Werhe AG",
BMW 是三個單詞的首位字坦禪漏母縮寫.
寶馬讓爛車襲激:BMW car
在一定上下文的語言環境下,BMW 可直接理解為 寶馬車

4. 寶馬用英語怎麼說

寶馬公司的全稱是"Bayerische Motoren WerheAG",
BMW 就是這三個單詞的首位字母縮寫。[

5. 「寶馬」的地道英文表達方式怎麼說

每天跟板凳老師學一句地道英文口語 ,今天我們要學的一個單詞是「beemer」,什麼意思呢?寶馬!比如說;「那個女孩正開著一輛寶馬怎麼說」 「 That gril is drving a bemer." beemer. 寶馬(BMW)



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